We actively promote the development, manufacture and sale of products that are useful for improving the environment and contribute to reducing the environmental impact as well as making efforts to save energy, reduce waste and prevent pollution.

We aim to achieve business growth and development with due regard for the global environment through “business activities in harmony with nature”.
We actively promote the development, manufacture and sale of products that are useful for improving the environment and contribute to reducing the environmental impact as well as making efforts to save energy, reduce waste and prevent pollution.
We make every effort to ensure that all group companies comply with both Japanese and foreign laws and regulations and other applicable requirements agreed by the business site concerned.
We set up our own environmental objectives and goals and do our best to achieve them, while continuously reviewing environmental policy and striving to improve our environmental performance.
We conduct environmental educational programs, and all group company employees participate in environmental management.
Each of the company's business sites and group companies has already revised international standards for environmental management systems to ISO 2015 version and has been keeping environmental activity through being inspected by internal/external audit.
Nisshinbo Mechatronics(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd
Personal Information Protection Policy
Nisshinbo Mechatronics(Shanghai)Co.,Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "our company") regards the proper handling of personal information of customers, business partners, and employees as an important corporate social responsibility, and implements the following measures.
1. Comply with laws and regulations
Our company will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and relevant laws and guidelines when processing personal information.
2. The purpose of using personal information
The information will be used within the agreed upon scope of use during collection.
3. Provide personal information to third parties
Personal information will not be provided to third parties unless prior consent is obtained, business is entrusted, and there are legitimate reasons.
4. Shared use of personal information
If personal information needs to be shared within our company group, we will clearly state the specific content of the shared use in advance and collect the information after obtaining consent.
5. Procedure for disclosing personal information
The search, disclosure, and correction of personal information are handled by the company's"a; Personal Information Protection Customer Service; Responsible.
6. Safety management measures
Implement necessary security control measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, loss, leakage, destruction, tampering, and other risks.
7. Continuous improvement of personal information protection
In order to protect personal information, the company will develop necessary systems, provide education on the proper handling of personal information, and regularly review these activities, striving for continuous improvement.
8. Revision of this policy
This policy will be revised and published in a timely manner in response to changes in relevant laws and regulations, as well as changes in the social situation.